Friday 28 April 2017

Sprint to the Finish

Instead of being responsible and packing up today, we did the following:

1. Went to Geysir.

2. Went to the wool cooperative at Þingborg.  By the way, that funny p thing is called a thorn.  So in Icelandic, it is pronounced thingborg. Þingborg was full of the handspun, naturally dyed wool Melanie had been hoping to find. 

3. Had lunch at the tomato greenhouse restaurant again in Reykholt.

4. Went on a challenging hike up a hill/mountain outside of Flúðir. In Icelndic,the slanted "d" character is called an eth. You pronounce it like the "th" in the word "the". The hill is called Miðfell and I think it might be a caldera. The hike took us up 160 metres to a perched lake.

5. Melanie and I went to the secret lagoon.  Ten minutes from the house - it warrants a separate blog post.

Outside of the wool cooperative

Melanie's wool.


1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see the wool!!! I'm going to start knitting just to travel in search of wool with Mel
